Antique Toys - A Family Tradition


For over 25 years Paul's parents, Paula and Howard, lovingly loaned some of their antique toys to the Hay House to display at Christmas. The Hay house is such a treasure - Macon is so lucky to have such a magnificent home to share with the world.

Paula and Howard's Love for vintage toys started many years ago. They have been collecting for over 55 years and each toy was lovingly picked to join their collection. They traveled all over the country looking for just the right things. I think the toys would speak to them. When Howard was 12 years old his family home burned to the ground and so much of his childhood as lost, thus his love for vintage toys. Paula has always loved all things beautiful (of course everything and everyone are beautiful to Paula). 

For years people marveled at the vintage toys tucked perfectly under the tree as they toured the Hay House at Christmas. I have often wondered what it must of have been like as a child to have descend those beautiful stairs and run into the parlor where the Christmas tree stood, so excited to see what Santa had left.

Paula knew just how to position the toys, she knew how to place them so they appeared to be alive. After Howard died Paula stopped taking  the toys. Two years went by and Aubrey Newbey called and asked if the toys could come back to play at the Hay House again - Paula agreed it was time. Paul and I helped transport the toys and set them up, it was so fun to watch Miss Paula put the toys in place.

This year Aubrey, who is on the board of directors and in charge of the decorating committee this year, asked if the Knight's would stage the children's room,  the nanny's suite and  children's bathroom. 

Those of you who know me know I love to stage things, I want every room and everything in it to tell a story. Getting the opportunity to do this in the Hay house was a honor. So we started gathering things, some toys from Paula and Howard's collection, some of our family pieces and things Paul and I have in our Collection. On the Friday after Thanksgiving we loaded our big box truck and with the help of my brother Mark, we put everything in place on the second floor of the Hay House. 

Once everything was in just the right spot, we asked our dear friends from We Do Photography to get some photos for us - they did a great job.  We so loved doing  the children's room but my favorite is the Nanny's room. To us it looks like she will be back at any time.  Thanks Aubrey for letting us keep the Knight's tradition alive at the Hay House.